Some boys were hiking in the woods one day when they came across part of an old abandoned railroad track stretching off through the trees.One of the boys jumped up onto a rail and tried walking on it.After a few steps, he lost his balance.
Another boy soon tried the same thing,and he also fell.The others laughed.
"I bet you can't do it either,"he barked at the others.One by one, the boys tried it, but they all failed.Even the best athlete of the bunch couldn't go more than a dozen steps without stumbling.
Then two of the boys began whispering to each other, and one of them challenged to each other:"I can walk on the rail all the wy to the end, and so can he."He pointed to his buddy.
"No, you can't"said one of the boys who had tried and failed.
"Bet you a candy bar each we can!"he answered, and the other boys accepted.
Then each of the two boys who had issued the challenge hopped onto a rail,reached out an arm,locked hands with the other, and carefully walked the whole distance.
As individuals, they could not meet the challenge.But working together,they easily won.The power of collaboration is multiplication.